The automatic reload of the previous session reopens all files and folders that were open when you last closed the editor. Tabs, which are similar to Chrome, make navigating and editing multiple files much easier. You only need one license to use Sublime Text 3 on any machines you want to use it on, regardless of the operating system they are running. Sublime Text 3 is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It comes with built-in support for a variety of programming and markup languages.The best part about Sublime Text 3 is that it doesn’t take up much space on your computer and that working with it is convenient and comfortable.Among developers, it is one of the most popular.Getting started programming with Sublime Text

Now we’ll look at some valuable facts about the Sublime Text 3 editor. Although Sublime Text 3 is primarily a text editor, it has IDE-like features such as projects and “builds,” which allow you to run other applications from within the editor. It’s OK to use a text editor if you’re a newbie, but if you’re a developer, you’re probably aware of the value of IDEs. Python code can be run using a variety of IDEs and text editors.