Dual Blades may now have two separate elements or statuses (example: one Fire sword and one Ice sword, like Twin Nails.).Dual Blades' Devilish Dance attack hits twelve times instead of eleven.New sets of skills some are exclusive to a specific armor set and can't be obtained from decorations.New armor sets and series after U & S, the X & Z.(Although in MHP2ndG, Snowy Mountains has a new music) New music for Swamp, Volcano, Desert and Jungle.Trenya can be sent to the Great Forest.Skip long opening animation scenes by pressing SELECT.Data Install System that speeds up loading times.Able to change clothes via the bookshelf.Directly combine items inside the Item Box.Buy items and send them to the Item Box instantly.Extra gathering spots for bug catching and ore mining featuring new Ores and Insects.
"Felyne Dance" (boosts stats on every gesture involving "Dance").
New sets of Felyne Kitchen Skills, e.g. You can now store up to 20 equipment sets. You can now hold up to 99 of each item type in your box. c) A diary showing recent quests and activities. New Guild Card pages: a) Felyne Fighter Info. Eight equipment pages instead of six, and possible extension to ten. New Felyne Comrade system to aid soloing Hunters. Addition of rare materials: Hvnly Scales, Big Elder Dragon Jewels (HR 9 version of Fire Dragon Jewel, Daora Jewel and Chameleos Jewel) and Ukanlos Stone.
Yama Tsukami, who wasn't present in Monster Hunter Freedom 2, returns in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. Two Monster Hunter Frontier monsters are carried over to this game Hypnocatrice and Lavasioth.
New monsters: Nargacuga, Queen Vespoid, Ukanlos, King Shakalaka, Lavasioth, and Hypnocatrice. Old monsters get new attacks and different attack reactions (Such as predicting Teostra's Powder explosion via color of the particle, etc.). One-Horned Diablos quest added as a Level 9 Elder Nekoht Quest and a HR 6 Quest in the Guild Hall. New subspecies: Plum Daimyo Hermitaur, Terra Shogun Ceanataur, Emerald Congalala, and Copper Blangonga.